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  • Writer's pictureEAEP

Reports from the Field: Day 7 @ El Araj

El Araj Excavations Day 7 (Week 2/Day 3). Good progress today. The new squares are really coming along. Lots of coins and tesserae, the unfinished Corinthian base or capital, a portion of a basalt mill stone, and more bowls from the Crusader sugar factory. We had a new group of volunteers, women who are training as guides to fulfill their national service. They are excavating with us today and tomorrow. In the afternoon we participated in a field trip that looked at two of cities that Josephus fortified in the Jewish revolt. Fascinating exercise in reading history and archaeology in the field.

Remnants of a circular grinding stone and the base of a Corinthian column

Trove of tesserae perhaps from a mosaic floor

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