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Reports from the Field: Day 12 @ El Araj

Possible iron Roman arrowhead — with Tom Blackwell.

El Araj Excavations Day 12 (Week 3/Day 3). The weather is heating up and so is our excavation. We continue to excavate the squares and bring them down to earlier periods. There were some very interesting finds today, including a possible Roman arrowhead, several coins including a small one from the Roman period, and our first decorative bead found at the Roman level. This evening the students were treated to an excellent lecture by Professor Chaim Ben David from Kinneret College on "Synagogues of the Golan."

Possible iron Roman arrowhead.

In Square A3 the team has uncovered the base of the long Byzantine wall. Next stop - continuing down to the Roman level.

a Roman coin while sifting the soil from Square A2. — with Kathryn Notley.

Work in Square B3 continuing to excavate down to the Byzantine pavement. — with Christine Freitas.

Making good progress in the squares in the eastern end of Area A.

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